************************************** Private Installs To v106 ************************************** Add to config: Add folder for service - TransactionByQuery Set up Soundex in elasticsearch See card 14935 Scripts to run: update-transferred-from-to-person update-saved-searches-transferred-from-to-person (select N to do the complete conversion) notes-to-es add-soundex-to-es ************************************** Private Installs To v105 ************************************** Add CoreSessionState db Assign safe user to above in SSMS run the following: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Sessions] ( [Id] NVARCHAR(449) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, [Value] VARBINARY(MAX) NOT NULL, [ExpiresAtTime] DATETIMEOFFSET NOT NULL, [SlidingExpirationInSeconds] BIGINT NULL, [AbsoluteExpiration] DATETIMEOFFSET NULL ) New User Mass Email Service Add to config: Create Service Folder When running installer, be certain to set cache db connection string For all 3 SQL connection strings MultipleActiveResultSets should be set to false ************************************** Private Installs To v104 ************************************** 2 new services: Verification Service Item Mass Update To Es Service Core Uploader Be certain TrustServerCertificate=True; is in the connection strings for sql - .net 6 services will fail to start if this is not present ************************************** Private Installs To v103 ************************************** 1.) Update Jenkins Builds - .net core 6.0 for all projects - .net 4.8 media uploader - install data delete service 2.) On VM - Upgrade elasticsearch to v7.17.6 - Stope service, remove service from system - Place new es files in new folder - Copy old config file into new 7.17.6 folder - Change environment vars to point to new locations - Be sure service is set to auto delayed start - .Net 6.0 hosting bundle should be installed - .Net Framework 4.8 install https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet-framework/thank-you/net48-web-installer NOTE - This requires a restart of server !!! - .Net 6.0 Desktop Runtime (new core installer) https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-desktop-6.0.16-windows-x64-installer?cid=getdotnetcore 3.) Add Folder for new service: - Data Delete 4.) Run installer - Before running installer, stop sites - Data Delete service may not install/start - you can go to folder and manually install in powershell: .\DataDeleteService install, then start it 5.) upgrade from 102 -> 103 - run following scripts: - migrate-saved-searches-for-multi-case-officers (CORE SCRIPT RUNNER) - in postman run this for es: PUT http://localhost:9200/items/_settings body: { "index": {"max_result_window": "200000"} } 6.) - mongo db needs to be set up as single node replica set ************************************** Private Installs To v102 ************************************** data delete service needs to be configured ************************************** Private Installs To v101 ************************************** PeopleMerge service needs to be configured core custom script runner needs to be be configured (appSettings) **************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** POST INSTALLER SCRIPTS **************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** ************************************** Pre 100 Tasks ************************************** Migrate-cases Migrate-reports migrate-saved-searches ************************************** 101 Deployment Tasks ************************************** card 11909 - script needs to be run : fix-item-search-empty-criteria (NOTE - this is on core.scriptRunner project DONE - DO NOT RUN THIS - BREAKS SAVED SEARCHES card 12570 script : rename-duplicate-user-groups DONE ************************************** 102 Deployment Tasks ************************************** sync-user-person-records-active-status (NOTE - this is on core.scriptRunner project ) DONE PENTEST, QA, SECURE ************************************** 103 Deployment Tasks: ************************************** #12394 ⁃ run script - migrate-saved-searches-for-multi-case-officers DONE SECURE Elasticsearch command needs to be executed PUT http://localhost:9200/items/_settings body: { "index": {"max_result_window": "200000"} } ************************************** 104 Deployment Tasks: ************************************** Script for 12607: update-users-to-include-usergroups Script for 11770: sync-items-current-office-name-mongo Script for Item Share: create-mongo-indices ************************************** 105 Deployment Tasks: ************************************** Disposition-auth-status (get actual name)